Videos to aid distance learning

These videos should help remind parents and students how to preform different tasks.

Check students’ finger positioning

We take great care to ensure all our students use the correct fingers when we supervise their typing.

It would be wise for you to do the same when they type independently. If you don’t touch type yourself this can be tricky to do. This information will help.


  • Rest the two pointer fingers on the bobbly black stickers (F & J keys)

  • Return to the ‘CLAW’ finger position in both hands.

  • Use the Blind keyboard when practising typing - Lessons & Games!!

    This video shows you what to do. You can skip the first 30 seconds that explains the ‘Blind’ keyboard.

How to complete the Progress Worksheet

This video gives a quick overview telling how to complete it. While not created specifically for any particular course it gives generic helpful instruction, applicable for any course

Vital viewing if students are unsure how they should be practising.


How to use

This video goes into detail on how to complete the worksheet.

How to complete a 1-minute timed test

Daily timed tests are an integral part of the course. Understanding how much they have progressed motivates students to continue practising.

Students are required to do at least one, 1 minute time test EVERY DAY!!

Monitoring each student’s progress helps us provide individual feedback and guidance.

This video shows how to complete a test on

PLEASE ONLY allow the student to do timed tests on their account.

At times, a sibling or parent ‘has a go’.
It is a great idea to have healthy competition between family members.

Please create a separate free account to do this.

Otherwise, it impossible for me to measure progress and give informed instruction.

How to check your child’s progress & activity on

This video shows how parents can check their child’s progress and activity on

Typing Games

We play a number of typing games in lessons.

Games can be a reward for completing typing practises and make each session more enjoyable.

What games to play?

More information on each game can be found by clicking the button below.

I do NOT advise students to play Nitro Type until they are consistently getting accuracy scores in time tests over 90%.