Technologies & Touch Typing for Academic Success

Course Structure

The course is made up of two parts :

Part 1: Live Teaching 4 Half Days of (9.30am – 1:00pm)

Part 2: Distance Learning

  • Work is set weekly to be completed at any time in the week.

  • Weekly Monday lessons - 1 hour Time: 5-6pm, 6-7pm or 7-8pm (age/ability dependant)
    Recorded for those who cannot attend

  • Supervision and feedback throughout. 

The timings and duration of individual course sections differ but all courses have the following common elements.

Overview of the Course Structure

There isn’t another course like it

Rather than overwhelm by cramming too much into a regular course format, I used out-of-the-box thinking, a typical dyslexic strength, to achieve three goals:

  • Equip dyslexics & parents over one school holiday;

  • Ensure families can still enjoy a break from school;

  • Remove/reduce the burden of parents having to nag.

Course Structure Detail

  • Parent Setup Webinar

    Each course starts with a remote webinar for parents to ensure all the equipment supplied works.

    • This is an opportunity for parents to talk freely and learn how to support the live lessons.

    • Ensure all the equipment provided works before the course.

    • Those uncomfortable with technology will be helped to overcome any issues.

  • Live Supervised Lessons - Four half days where students are taught.

    • How learning to type can help students get higher grades.

    • Touch typing.

  • Parent Session - To set parents up to support students during the Distance Learning Section of the course.

  • Distance Learning - This consists of:

    • Guided Daily Typing Practice (which can be done at any time anywhere).

    • WhatsApp Support - Regular encouragement and prompts as required (so parents do not have to).

    • Weekly Live Lessons

      • Teach vital learning technologies and how to use them to improve grades.

      • Provide feedback on optional tasks to reinforce learning.

      • Reward progress, for the amount of practise done and progress made.

      • Announce prize winners.

      • Motivate students to continue to practice.

    • Recorded Learning Technology Lessons -Benefits of using pre-recorded videos to learn.

      • Families can learn where and when it suits them.

      • Learning is done at the student’s own pace.

      • Videos are available after the course is finished.

    • Revision Week - The final week of the Distance Learning section.

      • No new technologies are introduced during the final week.

      • This gives students the opportunity to catch up on any topics missed and revise all the technologies taught before starting the school year.

  • Post-Course Parental Support

    • Post-course guidance for Parents to help students take advantage of new skills when they return to school.

    • Warns parents of obstacles they might need to overcome.

Time Commitment

Given the course takes place over the time families go on vacations, it has been designed to be flexible requiring minimal attendance of live training. Going away on holiday is not a barrier to success.

All lessons are recorded for those that cannot attend.

This overview above gives you an idea of the time commitment involved.

For specific timing and durations check out the individual course.