What do to if my child is not progressing?

Some students find typing harder than others.

I explain to students before I start teaching that in the same way, not everyone is great at singing not everyone is great at typing, it has nothing to do with an individual’s intelligence.

We celebrate progress!!

We purposely do not celebrate the students who are the fastest or the most accurate but the students that make the most progress. This helps encourage those who are not natural typists.

While great speed and accuracy are worth acknowledging, focusing on this (often down to natural aptitude) can be discouraging for those who work extremely hard but cannot achieve the same results.

We keep a close eye on students’ progress. However, parents are sometimes in a better position to spot when students are not progressing.

If you suspect your child is not progressing
please bring it to our attention

The first thing I will check is how long and often the student has practiced as this is often the reason for lack of progression.

Sometimes children claim to have done more practise than they have. My own children always claimed to do a lot more typing than they actually did!

This video shows how parents can check their child’s progress on Typing.com.

However, when students are practicing diligently and are NOT progressing, I want to help them so they don’t become discouraged.

The beginning of this video repeats a lot of information already found on this website.

JUMP straight to 5 mins 50 rather than start at the beginning