Improve the quality of written work

Videos to watch this week – Technology to produce written work

I will include these videos to the student WhatsApp group

  1. Dangers and benefits of learning from videos
    A helpful first video to watch

  2. General advantages of typing work A high level summary, maybe all younger students need right now.

  3. Word Online (need a Microsoft account)

  4. Word Office 365

  5. Read & Write Chrome extension
    (need the free trial)

  6. Dictation
    I plan to create another dictation video this week to give you more detailed help on this topic

Be aware that, sadly, schools rarely teach student how to use ANY of the functionality included.

Given younger students are not yet writing essays, a lot of the functionality shown in these videos will be too advanced for them. In which case I would suggest parents watch the video instead.
Younger students do NOT need to take part in the Kahoot quiz that will test students understanding in the next webinar.  If they want to take part parent help is encouraged.

If they take part and do badly no one knows, We only see the Leader Board, not everyone’s scores.



True story

I have had a 10 year old student who was asked to explain how to use Read & Write Chrome Extension to her Learning support teachers as they had bought the solutions but only knew how to use the most basic features.  This was a dyslexia friendly school as they had bought the solutions but staff are often not trained how to use features to best advantage.  I admire the fact they had bought it and asked for her help.  She did an amazing job of teaching them, I was so proud of her.


Be aware that the vast majority of schools have not bought these solutions, which is why I introduce them, even to students who will not need to use them for a few years.  Better to know too soon than find out too late when self esteem and aspirations have been damaged.



Student tasks

Attached are 3 sheets of tasks students can complete to reinforce their learning after watching the Word Online and Read & Write Google Chrome extension videos


Tasks should not be attempted until AFTER students have watched the videos.


I want to draw your attention to the first two instructions.  It is CRITICAL that students make their own copy BEFORE competing these tasks otherwise everyone will be working on the same document which will be chaos!!



Please help students complete these task so other students can also benefit from completing them.


I have tried to make instructions clear but do suggests any ways I can improve them.


These tasks are not mandatory.

If a particular step is unclear, just skip it.

If they are stressing students out then there is no need to complete them.