My child is not allowed to type in exams

If your dyslexic child is not currently a laptop user in exams, it would be worth exploring this with the school ASAP!!


How can I help?

I can help parents navigate the process required for students to become laptop users in exams.

The Join Council for Qualifications (JCQ) (the single voice for the eight largest qualification providers in the United Kingdom) is supportive of students with special educational needs using technology.

Below is an excerpt from their 2020 guidance.

Click on the image to access the full report

Click on the image to access the full report


The goal for SEN students is to have typing as their ‘normal way of working’.

If students do NOT have good typing skills then being a laptop user in exams would be a hindrance.

Provide evidence

The ability to demonstrate that typed work consistently achieves better grades than handwritten is valuable evidence to support a case to have typing as a student’s “normal way of working”.

ALL the students that attend my holiday TECHNOLOGIES & Touch Typing for Academic Success Remote Course are able to easily provide schools with the evidence required.

Restrictions are often based on a school’s resources
rather than students’ needs.

Be aware

  • Requirements for being a laptop user in exams are relatively simple to meet,
    For more information

  • Restrictions are often based on a school’s resources rather than students’ needs.
    This must be addressed because:

    • Being able to type in exams helps non-lateral thinking organise their thoughts by allowing them to easily amend and add to their work.

    • Typing significantly faster than writing by hand helps level the playing field and can make a significant difference to grades achieved and future opportunities.

  • If a student can consistently type their work before starting secondary school, typing should automatically be their ‘normal way of working.

Get students to touch typing before starting secondary school